Innovation ist unser Antrieb, Gesundheit unsere Mission. BCGroup – Medical Innovation AG steht für bahnbrechende medizinische Lösungen, die das Leben von Menschen positiv und nachhaltig beeinflussen.
Unsere Technologie ist die fortschrittlichste Technik in ihrer simpelsten Form – Titanium im 3D Druckverfahren. Dabei wird das Titanium in Pulverform in den 3D-Drucker geführt und «druckt» unsere Ideen in kürzester Zeit.
Ihre Vorteile:
Unendliche Möglichkeiten in Formen und Details
Genaue, exakte und individualisierte Implantate
Kurze Wartezeit für Patienten und Arzt
Unsere Systeme und Implantate sind CE markiert und sind bereits MDR konform. Alle unsere Produkte und Ideen werden in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Schweizer Universitäten erarbeitet und realisiert.
3D Printed ACIF System
BMD Titanium Implants® are made of biocompatible titanium (Ti64ELI). Internal and surface lattice structure with optimum pore size of 700µm (cube vertex centroid lattice) with reinforced edges ensures not only high stability and resistance to deformation of the implant, or immersion in the vertebral body, but also bioactivity - potentiates the formation of bone in the area of contact surfaces and thus the formation of a strong connection between the implant and bone, the risk of developing non-union (pseudoarthrosis) is thus minimized.
ACIF 3D Printed Titanium Cage with Built-In Fixation
Excellent Stability
Additive manufacturing technology in combination with a unique geometrical implant design facilitates efficient and reliable primary and secondary fixation.
Wide Variety of Footprints, Angles & Heights
The unique “net” structure, with its pore size and surface roughness, together with the semi-open internal design allow a large volume of new bone colonisation.
Additional Built-in Fixation
The additional feature of built-in pins contributes to further enhance primary fixation, as already guaranteed by the excellent stability provided by the “net” structure.
ACIF 3D Printed Titanium Cage
Excellent Stability
Additive manufacturing technology in combination with a unique geometrical implant design facilitates efficient and reliable primary and secondary fixation.
Wide Variety of Footprints, Angles & Heights
The unique “net” structure, with its pore size and surface roughness, together with the semi-open internal design allow a large volume of new bone colonisation.
Additional Expansion Feature
Ustica has a unique multi-direction extension mechanism: it allows cranial-caudal height extension and amendment to the required lordosis angle.
3D Printed LLIF System
BMD Titanium Implants® are made of biocompatible titanium (Ti64ELI). Internal and surface lattice structure with optimum pore size of 700µm (cube vertex centroid lattice) with reinforced edges ensures not only high stability and resistance to deformation of the implant, or immersion in the vertebral body, but also bioactivity - potentiates the formation of bone in the area of contact surfaces and thus the formation of a strong connection between the implant and bone, the risk of developing non-union (pseudoarthrosis) is thus minimized.
3D Printed ALIF System
BMD Titanium Implants® are made of biocompatible titanium (Ti64ELI). Internal and surface lattice structure with optimum pore size of 700µm (cube vertex centroid lattice) with reinforced edges ensures not only high stability and resistance to deformation of the implant, or immersion in the vertebral body, but also bioactivity - potentiates the formation of bone in the area of contact surfaces and thus the formation of a strong connection between the implant and bone, the risk of developing non-union (pseudoarthrosis) is thus minimized.
PsTwo™ – unkompliziert und sicher
Das PsTwo™ System umfasst ein Set aus Pedikelschrauben, Stäben, Muttern zur Schraube und Instrumenten. PsTwo™ wurde speziell für die temporäre oder permanente Korrektur/Stabilisation der Wirbelsäule zwischen Brustwirbel und Kreuzbein entwickelt und fördert die Konsolidierung bzw. das Zusammenwachsen der Knochen. In Verbindung mit einem lumbalen Cage fängt PsTwo™ die intervertebrale Belastung auf und erleichtert die Osteosynthese.
PsTwo™ ist ein einfaches und sicheres Verfahren für Operationen an der Wirbelsäule. Das Set besteht aus Polyschrauben und Repositionsschrauben.
Lumbar interbody implant BMD Titanium PLIF Implant ® is an implantable device of different footprints designed for interbody lumbar spine fixation. The device is intended to provide mechanical support to the implanted level until biologic fusion is achieved.
Produced using 3D printing technology DMLS ( Direct metal laser sintering )
Inner and surface structure with optimal size 700μm and larger
Structure of implant ensure plunging into vertebra resulting in maximum stability and speed of fusion
Structure of implant and micro porosity of 3D printed cage is maximally supporting osteointegration
Range includes 99 size types ( 11 different heights - 7 to 17mm and different angles of lordosis 4°,8°,12°,16°,20°)
3D Printed TLIF System
BMD Titanium Implants® are made of biocompatible titanium (Ti64ELI). Internal and surface lattice structure with optimum pore size of 700µm (cube vertex centroid lattice) with reinforced edges ensures not only high stability and resistance to deformation of the implant, or immersion in the vertebral body, but also bioactivity - potentiates the formation of bone in the area of contact surfaces and thus the formation of a strong connection between the implant and bone, the risk of developing non-union (pseudoarthrosis) is thus minimized.
PsTwo™ – unkompliziert und sicher
Das PsTwo™ System umfasst ein Set aus Pedikelschrauben, Stäben, Muttern zur Schraube und Instrumenten. PsTwo™ wurde speziell für die temporäre oder permanente Korrektur/Stabilisation der Wirbelsäule zwischen Brustwirbel und Kreuzbein entwickelt und fördert die Konsolidierung bzw. das Zusammenwachsen der Knochen. In Verbindung mit einem lumbalen Cage fängt PsTwo™ die intervertebrale Belastung auf und erleichtert die Osteosynthese.
PsTwo™ ist ein einfaches und sicheres Verfahren für Operationen an der Wirbelsäule. Das Set besteht aus Polyschrauben und Repositionsschrauben.
Dynamic lumbal Spacer
IntraSPINE® is a device for the interspinous space with laminar support. The device is made of medical dimethyl siloxane and covered with pure polyethylene terephtalate. The frontal extremity is coated with a film of silicone to prevent the formation of adhesions in the area of the yellow ligament. The implant comes in variable height with an artificial ligament allowing the stabilization of the instrumented level. IntraSPINE® is indicated in lumbar spine surgery in the following cases:
Arthropathic facet-syndrome
Foraminal stenosis
Degenerative discopathy
Intervertebral ligament insufficience
BCGroup - Implants
+41 79 755 72 23